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 News Archive 2015

March began with 49 states covered in snow
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 16, 2015

March is the month when spring officially begins. Unfortunately, our entry into this month that supposed to bring leaves on the trees, flowers, green grass, and birds and bees was not snow free.

According to the Weather Channel, there was so much snow dumped throughout the U.S. of A during February that on the first day of March there were 49 states, or 98% of the country, with “some snow on the ground.”

The Weather Channel reported that the great Sunshine State of Florida was the only state that was snow free.

Yes, this means that even the island state of Hawaii had some snow covering its tropical landscape.

What is that you ask? Has this ever happened before? Well, yes. According to the Weather Channel, one of the times in which every state in the country had at least a smidgen of snow on the ground was February 12, 2010.

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